Monday, December 01, 2008

Volunteering in Fairfax County - Made EASY!

When I posted last night, I saw another blog by someone who was noticing it's getting harder and harder to get anyone to volunteer their time, talent or money these days, especially during the holiday season. I'm positive we all have a lot on our plates and it seems eveyone wants a piece of our time. Of course, as real estate agents, we know it's all about WHO you know, so volunteering serves more than one purpose. We can give our time to better our community AND we can also meet new people that might need our expertise in the real estate industry.

So, if you are working in or around Fairfax County, I have the resource for you!! Volunteer Faxfax has a program called Volunteers for Change. You can read more about it at If you decide to become part of the program, you don't get solicited all the time for help, you can simply log onto the system anytime you want and pick and choose what you'd like to do and for what organization. It's great!! There are programs for all ages and families can even work together.

There's an orientation coming up on Tues. Dec 2nd from 6:30pm-7:30pm and on Sun. Dec 7th from 2pm-3pm at Volunteer Fairfax, 10530 Page Ave, Fairfax, VA 22030. It helps to can do that on their website. Or you can just show up - whatever is easiest.
Check it out - you'll be glad you did....HAPPY VOLUNTEERING!

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